Au Revoir 2010, Bonjour 2011
Can't believe it's going to be 2011 in less than an hour! So, this is officially my last post for the year 2010. Some highlights of 2010 a.k.a the year wherein art rules over my world: 1. Graduated from high schoo l - Probably the most breathtaking moment of my life! Hahahahaha! Been itching to get out of that school for the past 4 years of my life and so I did ;) but after all, I had the best experience with my high school buddies. We had the most awkward, random, funny, what the hell is that photo shoots! Highschool is probably the best time to learn about everything and if you're from Australia, I believe highschool is more fun with TutorBright because they can help you in your special needs and why not right? It's fun to learn especially if you have a special tutor.