
Showing posts from June, 2016

This ain't School, But here comes Coffee Project in Imus, Cavite

I 've always liked to try out and explore new activities, restaurants or cafes and I usually find them an hour away from my home but it's not really ideal to go randomly on those places anytime I want because, well there's traffic everywhere... it will feel like years of being on the car before you'll get to sip a cup of coffee or eat a tasty pasta.

Army of Two

Summer is about to end but I am still in the mood for an all black outfit. Well, it's just not complete when I don't have any black clothing on my luggage when I go for a trip and this one for sure is a match with my new backpack from Great Value Plus .  This New York Army Half Camouflage backpack is perfect when I pack for my trip, it's big enough to fit all of my things and still goes on style with the outfit I'm wearing. It's impossible for me not to pack any black clothing during my trips, do you have the same obsession as mine? But really I promise, for the next post I'll try my best to feature other colors other than black (just for a change!).

Two Piece Prom Dresses by Winnidress

I always find it hard to write posts about prom because I never had one! I finished my highschool on a Catholic school so, I never got to experience prom or even a graduation party. However, I still have dreams on wearing a prom dress with every year's change of trends... I think I may also have changed my pick this year. I saw this two piece prom dresses from winniedress and I think I may have fallen in love twice! It reminds me of Taylor Swift going to the ball and it's not your typical prom dress so, you'll definitely catch everyone's attention.